Latest Blogs
A selection of blogs from across the Federation
Celebrating a decade of the Istanbul Convention: progress and challenges
As we mark the 10th anniversary of the entry into force of the Council of Europe Istanbul Convention, this is an opportunity to reflect on the profound impact and continuing challenges associated with this groundbreaking treaty.
25 November 2021
“Sex without consent is rape”. This statement sounds self-evident. And yet our laws and our lived experiences show that it is still far from being universally recognized and understood.
10 November 2021
A society free from sexism and discrimination is only possible if we dismantle harmful gender norms and stereotypes.
13 September 2021
High on the list of things that Viktor Orban doesn’t want you to know: homosexuality is a Hungarian invention.
16 November 2020
Here’s what Nika, former volunteer for pro familia’s youth network – who coached member associations from Spain and Ireland, had to say about their experience working on the youth-centred approach.
16 November 2020
Here is what Margaux, youth officer for MFPF, had to say about how the youth-centred approach changed how young people are included in her organisation.