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abortion is self care

News item

New Law in Norway Highlights Inequities in Abortion Access

The Norwegian government has proposed a new bill extending self-determined abortion rights from 12 weeks up to the 18th week.

The Norwegian government has proposed a new bill extending self-determined abortion rights from 12 weeks up to the 18th week. If the bill is passed by the Norwegian Parliament, it will mark a significant victory for sexual rights in Norway. However, this right will not be equally accessible across the country. Sex og Politikk, the Norwegian Member Association of IPPF, asserts that viability should not be a political decision and that respect for human life cannot be legislated.

Sex og Politikk has been actively engaged in discussions on the new abortion law since the Government established a committee in 2022 to look into the country’s almost 50 year old abortion legislation. The organization has participated in a separate committee of feminist NGOs, closely following the development of the law and contributing to the debate.

This month, Health and Care Minister Jan Christian Vestre and the government introduced proposals for a new abortion law. While welcoming this milestone in the fight for sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), Sex og Politikk argues that the proposal needs revision on key points.

Just three years ago, few would have anticipated a new abortion law in Norway. The government's proposal represents progress, but it also reveals significant weaknesses from an SRHR perspective.

The law remains entrenched in outdated beliefs that abortions should only be conducted at regional hospitals. In reality, most abortions today are performed at home with medication, not through surgical interventions. Despite this, the government's proposal still limits abortion care to specialist healthcare providers, even as it calls for further investigation into the role of primary healthcare in offering abortion care. This limitation complicates access to abortion, especially for those living far from hospitals.

"We need a law that simplifies, not complicates, access to abortion care," says Kjersti Augland, Assistant General Manager of Sex og Politikk. "For most women who currently undergo abortion at home after receiving medication from a hospital, direct access through primary healthcare would provide more compassionate and accessible care. The current law particularly disadvantages those living in remote areas, far from hospitals."


A Necessary and Increased Recognition

Sex og Politikk supports the proposal to extend self-determination up to the 18th week, including the possibility to reduce the number of fetuses. This represents a necessary acknowledgment of a pregnant woman's right to make independent decisions about her body and life.

The new law will effectively allow 98-99% of Norwegian women seeking abortions to make autonomous decisions about their bodies. Additionally, Sex og Politikk welcomes the bill's provisions that strengthen the independent right to be heard for people living with disabilities. The organization also supports the proposal that abortion should never be forced, and the right to complete a pregnancy should be legally protected.


Concerns About Statutory Discrimination

Sex og Politikk is critical of the law's wording that it "must ensure respect for unborn life." The organization argues that this clause may impose guilt and shame on women rather than achieving the law’s aim to ensure the pregnant person’s right to decide over their own body without being subject to pressure.

The bill also mandates follow-up medical interviews for those who have undergone an abortion. Sex og Politikk views this as statutory discrimination, as it creates unequal treatment between those who have had an abortion, those whose applications have been denied, and those who withdraw their applications. If follow-up rights are to be included, they should be available to all who need them.


Viability Should Not Be a Political Decision


Sex og Politikk also opposes the proposal to legislate a strict 22-week limit for abortion care. The organization argues that viability assessments are complex medical determinations that should be made on a case-by-case basis, not through rigid political decisions. It is inappropriate for politicians to assume the role of healthcare professionals in deciding viability.

"The government's proposal is a step in the right direction toward a law that better reflects current realities and needs," concludes Kjersti Augland. "However, we believe the proposal requires revision on several key points."

We will continue to follow these developments as the law makes its way through the parliament.


Illustration: Olga Mrozek for IPPF x Fine Acts





European Network


Abortion Care

Related Member Association

Sex og Politikk - The Norwegian Association for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights