IPPF EN established its Movement Accelerator Programme (MAP) in 2019 in response to the proliferation of attacks across Europe and Central Asia over many years on gender, equality and women’s rights. The EN MAP focuses on strengthening the strategic communication and mobilisation capacities of organisations and social movements in several European countries. Our goal is to work with and learn from diverse groups of actors, and to support with the knowledge-sharing, solidarity and resourcing needed to help fight back against attempts to control women’s bodies, and to accelerate social and political change.
The activities that we carry out or support through the EN MAP include research into values and attitudes to provide a basis for strategic communication; development, testing and employment of new and powerful context-specific narratives and strategies; monitoring of harmful anti-rights discourses; and support of grassroots social movements, including capacity sharing and provision of grants for strategic initiatives, and generating international solidarity and visibility for national human right defenders and the causes they fight for.
Since 2019, IPPF EN has hosted IPPF’s global Winning Narratives Centre, a multi-stakeholder initiative to accelerate impact on social and political change through the sharing of resources, learning and expertise. The Winning Narratives Centre has at its heart a community of practice that connects activists and organisations from around the world with academics, consultants and creative and research agencies to develop, contextualise and test powerful new narratives. It is currently supporting partners in Europe, Africa, Asia, the Americas and the Pacific to pilot values-based communication strategies.