The Conference on the Future of Europe represents a unique opportunity for the EU to reflect on the direction it wants to take, and the values it should stand for. In a difficult context where the realization of gender equality is incomplete and is facing obstacles and opposition, the EU must adopt a feminist approach and show stronger leadership in supporting and further advancing gender equality and women’s rights in the EU and beyond.
Europe and its values are facing unprecedent challenges. The pandemic exacerbated existing inequalities and requires a recovery that will set Europe on a transformation towards a more just and inclusive society. Rising authoritarianism continues to place European liberal democracy and human rights at risk. Gender equality, women’s rights, and reproductive freedom are under threat from coercive, misogynistic movements.
In this position paper, we set out the ways in which the European Union and its Member States can progress towards a feminist Europe and step up their effort to uphold and promote sexual and reproductive rights.
European Network