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European Parliament report on the situation of sexual and reproductive health and rights in the EU

Upcoming vote on European Parliament Report specifically dedicated to SRHR in almost 10 years is a milestone for reproductive freedom. A favorable vote will send a strong signal to the European Commis...

This European Parliament Report, authored by MEP Predrag Fred Matić, is the first report specifically dedicated to sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) in almost 10 years. Whilst the European Parliament has repeatedly expressed concerns over the lack of full realisation of, and attacks against women’s rights, gender equality and SRHR in various reports, this report will give a high level of political importance to SRHR at EU level. It will send a strong signal to the European Commission, EU Member States, as well as all European citizens, that MEPs are fully committed to protect and promote SRHR in the EU.

The report reaffirms SRHR as human rights, intrinsically linked with gender equality and combating gender-based violence; it highlights the remaining challenges in accessing the whole range of SRHR in the EU, challenges compounded by COVID-19 measures; and denounces the backsliding on women’s rights, gender equality and SRHR across Europe and globally. To learn more about why it's important read our briefing developed with the European Parliamentary Forum for Sexual & Reproductive Rights.


