In the final months of 2023, the EU institutions will hold a series of "trialogues" - negotiations between the EU Council (national governments), European Parliament and European Commission aiming to agree on the final wording of the draft EU Directive on Combating Violence Against Women.
This is a crucial moment in the legislative process, since both the Council and the Parliament adopted their initial negotiating positions in June: MEPs voting to strengthen key provisions of the European Commission's ambitious original proposal, but Member States inexcusably proposing to water down vital elements of the bill, notably by failing to support the criminalisation of rape.
At this key moment, IPPF EN and our civil society partners have prepared a joint position setting out a clear call to action to the EU institutions if they are to ensure this landmark proposal becomes a truly effective tool in our shared fight to end gender-based violence and create more gender equal societies for all. Download the joint position below.
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence