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Image gender equality young people


Protecting EU Rights and Values

Gender inequality and harmful gender norms remain widespread in the EU. While sexual and reproductive health and rights are at the core of gender equality and women’s rights and empowerment, their att...

Image gender equality young people

Gender inequality and harmful gender norms remain widespread in the EU. While sexual and reproductive health and rights are at the core of gender equality and women’s rights and empowerment, their attainment varies greatly from country to country. Women and girls, particularly those marginalised by systemic oppression, face significant barriers to sexual and reproductive healthcare, information and education, which violates their human rights and hinders progress towards gender equality.

Discourse from anti-rights movements continues to undermine the significant progress achieved in safeguarding SRHR and threatens many of the rights and values that the EU aims to protect. It is in this context that IPPF EN, together with its Member Associations (MAs) and partners, is working to progress towards a more gender equal world where people in all their diversity are released from harmful gender norms and fully empowered to make decisions over their lives and bodies. 

We are working to strengthen support in the EU institutions and Member States for gender equality and women’s rights by:

  • Ensuring that policy and decision makers at all levels (EU, national and local) are creating progressive legislative and policy frameworks that protect and advance gender equality and women’s rights, including SRHR, within the EU;
  • Educating and empowering young people - as a new generation of EU citizens - to become leaders and drivers of the long-term change process, rooted in societal norms and behaviours, that advances gender equality, eliminates harmful stereotypes and intersectional discrimination, and prevents SGBV;
  • Increasing engagement and capacity of civil society actors to act in a strategic and coordinated manner when promoting gender equality and women’s rights; and
  • Strengthening the technical and organisational capacity of our MAs and partners to design, implement and sustain intersectional, gender transformative initiatives. 


In 2023, under the CERV programme, we collaborated with 24 EU-based IPPF MAs and collaborative partners (CPs). Our achievements in 2023 include:

  • Supporting civil society movements by creating spaces for our MAs, CPs and other stakeholders to exchange expertise, learn from each other's experiences, engage in closer dialogue, build stronger partnerships, engage in advocacy activities and strategize more effectively and proactively against anti-rights movements. A major highlight was a four-day long programme of learning, sharing and strategizing events, organised in October in Sofia, Bulgaria. The Power of the Many Forum” hosted over 150 SRHR activists and advocates from over 30 countries across Europe and Central Asia and included representatives from SRHR organisations, activists driving change in hostile environments, youth volunteers and community representatives bringing their expertise and lived experiences. You can download the Forum report below. 
  • Enhancing our network's strategic communications capacity, focusing on value-based framing, new narratives, research and campaigning to tackle the growing anti-gender movement. We also continued to support and stand in solidarity with brave activists, social movements and MAs championing and defending SRHR and gender equality against backlash in their national contexts, using our voice and platform to centre communities that face systemic and intersecting forms of discrimination.
  • Continuing to drive European leadership to advance SRHR and gender equality, working with our MAs, partners and young people to champion progressive regional policies and legislation. Our external engagement helped to achieve 17 policy wins at the EU level, while our MAs and CPs achieved more than 40 wins in EU countries. Our top policy priority was supporting adoption of the landmark EU Directive to combat Violence Against Women, through direct advocacy and external communications. 
  • Continuing to equip young people with vital life skills and keep them safe from gender-based harms by further expanding the reach of a vital tool developed by IPPF EN’s young volunteers to ensure that sexuality and relationships education (SRE) tackles the root causes of gender inequality and supports prevention of SGBV, while advancing with a flagship IPPF EN initiative to contribute new evidence on how SRE can help to prevent violence. Meanwhile, in 2023, our EU-based MAs and CPs reached a total of 92,461 young people with complete CSE through their direct efforts, and this number rises to 638,679 young people with the inclusion of data from the Netherlands and Germany, where sexuality education is mandatory for young people. These combined figures reflect an approximate 23% increase in the proportion of young people MAs and CPs have managed to reach with comprehensive sexuality education compared to the previous year.

You can read our Annual Report 2023 here.



Sexual and Gender-Based Violence, Gender equality, Comprehensive Sex Education

Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) Grants 2025: Call for Proposals

As part of the 2025 operating grant of the EU-funded Citizens, Equality, Right and Values (CERV) programme, IPPF European Network Regional Office (ENRO) is launching a call for proposals for its EU based member associations (MAs) and Affiliated Collaborative Partners (CPs). Through a regranting scheme, ENRO wants to strengthen the EU response related to gender equality within different countries in the region through its EU-based MAs and CPs. These MAs and CPs will have the opportunity to fund initiatives which will directly contribute to one of the programme’s strategic objectives at the level of EU Member States.

To ensure the alignment of the regranting scheme to the programme’s four strategic objectives, the call is open to specific MAs and CPs only, as per the criteria described under each programme objective in the call document. 

Call for proposals 2025

Download (545.11 KB)

Proposal template 2025

Download (56.82 KB)

Timeline and budget template 2025

Download (40.16 KB)

For more information about this work, please contact us at [email protected]



As part of this work, in 2024 IPPF EN funded the following projects by national partner organisations working to advance SRHR and gender equality: 

Overview of 2024 sub-grants

Funded projects (24.13 KB)

EU emblem



This work is funded by the European Union through the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme which aims to protect and promote Union rights and values as enshrined in the EU Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights. The programme will contribute to sustain and further develop open, rights-based, democratic, equal and inclusive societies based on the rule of law.

Disclaimer: Views and opinions expressed are those of IPPF EN and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union or the European Commission can be held responsible for them.