A selection of resources from across the Federation
How MEPs can advance sexual and reproductive freedom
The European Parliament has a longstanding legacy as the EU institutions' strongest defender of sexual and reproductive health and rights, and it is vital that MEPs continue this tradition. Here's how.
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| 04 March 2014
Keep Me Safe - training manual
A UN Study from 2006 suggests that 90% of people with intellectual impairments will experience sexual abuse at some point in their life, most frequently from family members or others in their close environment. Empowering young people who have a learning disability to protect themselves against sexual abuse and violence requires acknowledgement and respect of their sexuality from their carers alongside guidance on protection and appropriate behaviour. From 2013-2015, we ran a project to empower young people with learning disabilities to protect themselves against sexual abuse and violence, harnessing best practice, expertise and proven strategies from IPPF members in Europe with extensive experience in this area. The project was called 'Keep Me Safe'. This work was co-funded by the European Commission (DG Justice - Daphne III Programme). This training manual has been developed for organisations who wish to educate and sensitize staff, teachers and carers about the sexual and reproductive health and rights of young people with mild to moderate learning disabilities.
| 28 September 2013
Annual Report 2012
Our Annual Report 2012 gives a broad insight into the many activities our activists carried out in their fight for sexual and reproductive health and rights across Europe and Central Asia and globally.
| 06 June 2013
Barometer on Women's access to Modern Contraceptive Choice 2013
The Barometer of Women’s Access to Modern Contraceptive Choice in 10 EU Countries was developed by the IPPF European Network. The report is supported by a grant from Bayer HealthCare as a contribution improved delivery of healthcare and related health services. The following ten countries were included in the report: Bulgaria, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Poland, Spain and Sweden.
| 07 December 2012
Abortion legislation in Europe
An overview of abortion legislation across Europe and Central Asia in 2012, covering all countries where IPPF EN Member Associations are situated.
| 28 June 2012
Annual Report 2011
Unite, Deliver, Perform: Our Annual Report 2011 presents highlights of IPPF EN's work championing sexual and reproductive health and rights.