Latest Blogs
A selection of blogs from across the Federation
Celebrating a decade of the Istanbul Convention: progress and challenges
As we mark the 10th anniversary of the entry into force of the Council of Europe Istanbul Convention, this is an opportunity to reflect on the profound impact and continuing challenges associated with this groundbreaking treaty.
25 November 2014
“My name is Vedad and this is my man story!
How social norms stand in the way of girls' contraceptive choices in Eastern Europe and Central Asia
06 October 2014
Zofia, 15, is Bulgarian. She plans to finish her studies before looking for a job.
26 September 2014
In 1983, religious conservative groups, fearing the Irish Supreme Court might infer a right to abortion into the Constitutional right to privacy, m
26 September 2014
This World Contraception Day, we highlight the worrying situation in Romania, where the political climate as well as the loss of development fundin
21 July 2014
The Kazakhstan Association on Sexual and Reproductive Health (KMPA) carried out research to produce a national “HIV Prevention Report C
19 April 2014
“It felt like I was on trial,” says Galina Chirkina, the Executive Director of IPPF’s Member Association in Kyrgyzstan, the Reproductive Health All